Our Digital Content Prices have just been confirmed from October 1st through to the whole of next year.

Our Digital Content Prices have just been confirmed from October 1st through to the whole of next year.

You can lock them in today only if you want them, otherwise it's the increased price from tomorrow.

The £395 Basic Content Package has risen to £497 per month

The £595 Comprehensive Content Package has risen to £997

(and will also include SEO, full website revamps, .pdf's, brochures, the whole lot!)

- it's literally a whole Marketing Team included in that one low monthly price.

The price increases allow us to grow the business so that we can help more people, as well as and add extra services that allow us to help our clients businesses grow even over the next 12 months.

It's a group effort, the more clients we serve, the more services we add into the mix to help our clients.

PLUS - We have narrowed the criteria for out 'ideal client', you now need to sell us why you would be a good client for us, not the other way around.

This will of course put may people off, and that's perfectly fine.

We know our stuff works and the price of a full time marketing person is HUGE in comparison to our single low monthly price.

Our team includes

- graphic designers
- Video Editors
- Search Engine Optimisation Specialists
- Website Designers
- Content Writers
- Transcribers

We want to help you grow your business, but only if you're prepared to commit to getting success in your business.

Existing clients already have their pricing locked in, and you can lock the old pricing do the same by the end of today only.

Our plan is to make 2020 the best year EVER for both ourselves and more importantly for our clients.

Here's the link if you want to take a look.


